"What did you see?"
"Ricky Martin in the shower"
I remember when Roswell first started, I was doubtful, I didn't wanna get sucked into another tedious teen drama let alone a sci-fi teen drama. Re-watching Roswell is like going back, and so much seems to have changed. I feel like i have changed, the world has changed. I'm no longer a love struck high school student, (now a love struck college student) new city new friends. I no longer ewe and gah over Ricky Martin, were in an Ashton Kutcher kinda a world. But I remember, I know that those moments are a part of who I was and who I am. I love roswell now more than I did then, which is kinda shocking to me, I taped nearly every episode and watched many of them over and over. The experience is different, in some ways better, no static, and hello WIDE SCREEN, though not all the original music is there, but that doesn't bother me too much the essence of what made me love roswell is fully there in the dvds. The extras are enjoyable, especially all the interviews where the actors thanked the fans for watching and supporting the show. All I can say to that is "no thank you for giving us this wonderful show". The commentaries with Majandra and Shri were awesome, and had me talking to the tv, much to my roommates anoyance and strange looks (as i don't normally talk to the tv). They made me feel like i was there with them reliving the daily life on the set. They talked on all the key subjects, acting tips from the pros, set secrets, and the most important subject of all Bredans hair. I enjoyed the special little features, but mostly I loved reliving a great show. I am still unable to explain to my mother why this show about aliens is sooooo good, but it is, and the Dvd is totally worth the wait.